Travelling is more than just a simple vacation – for some people, it’s a passion that they nurture constantly. Because of this, they’ll always find new places to go to and new adventures to try. However, when you plan a trip to a new country, one where you’ve never been before, it’s essential to know a few things before your actual trip.
Check with the Travel Agency
Booking your trip with a travel agency might bring some advantages because they already know the rules of the country you’ve chosen. It’s a great opportunity to ask your travel agent about all the details that you might need to know – some countries have dress codes for women (like the Islamic ones, where in some parts the women need to have their head covered and even their whole body). In other countries, women are not allowed to bathe in bathing suits, so you’ll need to know many of these important details.
Some exotic countries have specific diseases that can be transmitted by mosquito bites or other insects. It’s important to know what vaccines you need to take in order to be protected when you get out there. It’s not valid for the European countries, but for those countries located in Africa or Asia. Taking the vaccines in time will help you prevent some illnesses that are very hard to treat if you get infected. Get info here based on your destination.
Free traveling is not valid everywhere, and even if you have a passport, they might not let you in their country if you don’t have the right visa. You will need to apply for a visa if it’s mandatory for some time ahead. The agency might take care of it, but if not – you’ll need to know exactly what to do.
Medical Insurance
Wherever you go, make sure you have some travel medical insurance that covers traveling to foreign countries. With a travel agency, you have the possibility to get one for a certain sum of money. Don’t think that it’s not necessary and you won’t get sick. Even a headache might be difficult to handle there because some countries don’t sell this type of medication without a prescription. Also, if you need specific treatment, with the insurance you’ll be able to access a medical facility.
The Internet
Last, but not least, check out the information from the embassy of that country. You’ll find plenty of info there that will be useful, but also other info that you might need. The travel websites or the sites that offer you booking options have useful info on both the location and the customs of the country that you plan to visit. However, if you’ve never been here before, it might be good to go with an agency and not book yourself a room over the internet.